With my usual unfailing honesty, I must declare that today’s lunchtime selection was motivated somewhat by my desire to chase away the lingering vapours of a hangover. I thought the best remedy would be something substantial, with a strong vegetarian bias, so when the notion of Palmyra popped in to my head, it seemed like the perfect solution.


A popular student and late-night haunt, Palmyra, like its sister restaurant Zenobia (which I’m hoping is currently undergoing a refit, rather than having closed down), showcases Mediterranean dishes, across the shawarma, falafel, pizza and kebab milieu.

I quickly selected a large hummus and falafel wrap from their wide selection. The friendly counter man got to work, with impressive speed. He had soon assembled a monster item, which he transported across to the grill, to lightly toast.


It was quickly ready, then I was on my way down the road, with the pleasing weight of the packed wrap gently swinging at my side.

It proved to be a very tasty item. It managed the neat trick of being consistent across the whole wrap, with most bites bringing together all the elements of the filling, for really satisfying mouthfuls of goodness.

Wrap, partially munched

So overall, I was really pleased with Palmyra. Their simple approach to flavour-packed dishes, served in generously sized portions, was exactly what I was needing, this slightly hungover lunchtime. They have ample space for people who want to sit in, but I imagine they do a good amount of their business as takeout. Whatever the case, it’s very much worth a visit, next time you’re in the vicinity.


Blythe scores Palmyra
4/5 for food
3/5 for presentation
3.5/5 for service
3/5 for setting
giving an overall 13.5/20

Today’s quester was: Blythe

I ate: hummus falafel wrap

I drank: nowt

I wore: www.tieclub.co.uk tie

Total bill: £4

Palmyra on Urbanspoon

Written by BKR