Today’s discovery was the vegetarian delights of Alplings, which showcased traditional dumplings from the Tyrol region of Austria.
The bread-based dumplings came in three varieties: spinach, beetroot and cheese. The portion on offer featured three for £4.50 so I sampled one of each.The spinach was served with a gorgonzola sauce while the other two were topped with melted butter and parmesan. A little cabbage salad and nicely herby tomatoes provided accompaniment.
Each of the dumplings was very tasty and the salad provided good crunch. The beetroot one packed vibrant colour and a beautifully soft texture. I’m a sucker for blue cheese sauces so was very happy with the spinach one. The cheese one packed a good melting centre.So overall, I look forward to visiting Alplings again as I was very impressed with they had on offer, today. I’d recommend tracking them down as they represent a really exciting new #veginburgh delight to sample.