I’ve written a wee bit about Brewdog previously when we rounded out a beer team night out here playing with their randall. I’d not previously visited for food though so corrected that today.

The industrial interior has always felt quite narrow and cramped to me, but it was seen to best advantage today during a lightly populated lunchtime. It’s smart enough in its own way.
I’m not a “punk” so find the Brewdog marketing machine intensely irritating. It also seems rather strange that founder James Watt has chosen to cultivate a media persona as a toxic bellend you’d actively cross the street to avoid coming into contact with, but it seems to be working out for him commercially so let’s put that to one side.

They’re in the process of transitioning out of offering Pieminster pies so my attention was focussed on trying one of their pizzas. The Hamish McHaggis sounded like the one for me so I ordered it from the friendly bar chap. I was on workaday lunch break so had to opt for sparkly water rather than sampling some beer.
The pizza was with me after a fair wait looking very light and crisp. It proved very good eating although the base was so crisp – a good thing – that it was slightly impractical and required a blend of shoving faceward and rescue forking for bits of crunched off debris. Still, I liked it a lot.

So overall, I was impressed with the food at Brewdog. I’ll no doubt be back for beers at some stage, but I’d recommend visiting for their light and tasty pizza when you feel the urge for that sort of thing.
Blythe scores Brewdog
4/5 for food
3/5 for presentation
3.5/5 for service
3.5/5 for setting
giving an overall 14/20
I ate: Hamish McHaggis pizza
I drank: sparkly water
I wore: pinstripes
Total bill: £10.40
Address: 143 Cowgate, Old Town, Edinburgh EH1 1JS