Comments on: Locanda de Gusti
Reviews of Edinburgh's Dining SceneFri, 06 Apr 2012 12:36:50 +0000hourly1 Geeking Out Over…Food as Fuel - Total Food Geeks Edinburgh
Geeking Out Over…Food as Fuel - Total Food Geeks EdinburghMon, 19 Dec 2011 22:40:25 +0000[...] my needs? So with this in mind, my first training walk, of around 12 miles, involved a stop at Locanda de Gusti. I can confirm that soup and skate wings were added to my approved fuel list, that [...][...] my needs? So with this in mind, my first training walk, of around 12 miles, involved a stop at Locanda de Gusti. I can confirm that soup and skate wings were added to my approved fuel list, that [...]